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National 4-H Week : Beverly Alvarez

Beverly Alvarez is the office professional at our Kinsley location for Tyree Ag and was involved in 4-H for three years while her children were enrolled in Edwards County and members of the Northern Star 4-H Club. Between the two kids (Gavin & Taylor), they were active in the following projects: foods, shooting sports, buymanship, and rocketry. They participated in county club days, day camps, and attended Rock Springs 4-H Camp, which was a highlight of their year! 

Beverly credits 4-H for giving her children the confidence to be outgoing and the ease to speak publicly. Through shooting sports, Gavin & Taylor learned appropriate gun safety that Beverly feels everyone should know. 

Thank you Beverly for sharing your 4-H story in honor of National 4-H Week! Check back tomorrow to see more from Tyree Ag employees!